Monday 13 December 2010

December 13, 2010

We have FINALLY made a start on the tiling. All the full tiles have been laid and the cut tiles have been cut ready for bedding in. By the end of tomorrow we should have a lovely new bathroom floor. We have also completed all the painting in the bathroom. And we some how managed to get the vanity up the stairs over the weekend. Damn thing weighs as much as a car, so hopefully when we put it on the new tiles it doesn't go straight through them. We have updated the pictures so have a look and you'll see the start of the new floor.

Monday 6 December 2010

December 6, 2010

After a short break, we are back in full swing. I collected the doors for the bedrooms and the spiffy new sliding door for the bathroom last week. The new blinds for the bedroom also arrived a few days later. So it was with much excitement that we spent most of the weekend painting and sanding doors. We managed to put the blinds up on Saturday night and constructed the bed frame. The doors for the second bedroom went up yesterday, as did the sliding door for the bathroom. So with the second bedroom 99% complete we have officially moved into a bedroom and my study is a study again. Result! Pictures have been snapped and will be posted in due course. Today was spent putting the floor back into the bathroom, but this time with better screws and filler in the joins. I'll let that set while I paint tomorrow, before the tiling can begin.